PUBLICATIONS (Google Scholar link)
- Bonar M., M. Laforge, E. Vander Wal. 2017. Observation of a p < 10^-9 life history event: implications of record-late caribou birth on ungulate reproductive ecology and field studies. in press Canadian Journal of Zoology.
- Vander Wal, E., A. Gangé-Delorme, M. Festa-Bianchet, F. Pelletier. 2016. Dyadic associations and individual sociality in bighorn ewes. Behavioral Ecology 27: 560-566.
- Leclerc, M., E. Vander Wal, A Zedrosser, J.E. Swenson, J. Kindberg, and F. Pelletier. 2016. Quantifying consistent individual differences in habitat selection. Oecologia 180: 697-705.
- Vander Wal, E., M. Festa-Bianchet, D. Réale, D.W. Coltman, and F. Pelletier. 2015. Sex-based differences in the adaptive value of social behavior contrasted against morphology and environment. Ecology 96: 631-641.
- Laforge M.P., E. Vander Wal, R.K. Brook, E. Bayne, and P.D. McLoughlin. 2015. Process-focussed, multi-grain resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling 305: 10-21.
- Turgeon, G., E. Vander Wal, A. Massé, F. Pelletier. 2015. Born to be wild? Response of an urban exploiter to human modified environment and fluctuating weather conditions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93: 315-322.
- Stolle, K, F.M. van Beest, E. Vander Wal, R.K. Brook. 2015. Nocturnal activity patterns of invasive feral swine (Sus scrofa) in Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 129: 76-79.
- Vander Wal, E., D. Garant, F. Pelletier. 2014. Evolutionary perspectives on wildlife disease: concepts and applications (Perspective). Evolutionary Applications 7: 715-722.
- Vander Wal, E., D. Garant, S. Calmé, C.A. Chapman, M. Festa-Bianchet, V. Millien, S. Rioux-Paquette, and F. Pelletier. 2014. Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management Evolutionary Applications 7: 856-868.
- van Beest, F.M., P.D. McLoughlin, E. Vander Wal, R.K. Brook. 2014. Density affects large-scale resource partitioning and nice overlap for two sympatric species of ungulates. Oecologia: 175 (4), 1155-1165.
- Vander Wal, E., M.P. Laforge, and P.D. McLoughlin. 2014. Density dependence in social behaviour: home range overlap and density interacts to affect conspecific encounter rates in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 383-390.
- van Beest, F.M., A. Uzal, E. Vander Wal, M.P. Laforge, A.L. Contasti, D. Colville, and P.D. McLoughlin. 2014. Increasing density leads to generalization in both coarse-grained habitat selection and fine-grained resource selection in a large mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 147-156.
- Vander Wal, E., D. Garant, M. Festa-Bianchet, and F. Pelletier. 2013. Evolutionary rescue in vertebrates: evidence, applications, and uncertainty. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
- Vander Wal, E., I. Edye, P.C. Paquet, D.W. Coltman, E. Bayne, R.K. Brook, J.A. Andrés. 2013. Juxtaposition between host population structures: implications for pathogen transmission in a cervid community. Evolutionary Applications 6: 1001-1011.
- Dugal, C., F.M. van Beest, E. Vander Wal, R.K. Brook. 2013. Targeting hunter distribution based on host resource selection and kill sites to manage disease risk. Ecology and Evolution 3: 4265-4277.
- van Beest, F.M., E. Vander Wal, A.V. Stronen, P.C .Paquet, and R.K. Brook. 2013. Temporal variation in site fidelity: scale-dependent effects of forage availability and predation risk in a free-ranging large herbivore. Oecologia 173: 409-420.
- Vander Wal, E., F.M. van Beest, R.K. Brook. 2013. Density-dependent effects of group size are sex-specific in a gregarious ungulate. PLoSONE 8: e53777.
- Robert, K., D. Garant, E. Vander Wal, and F. Pelletier. 2013. Context-dependent social behavior: testing the interplay between season and kinship with raccoons. Journal of Zoology 290: 199-207.
- Vander Wal, E., P.C. Paquet, F. Messier, P.D. McLoughlin. 2013. Social proximity in an ungulate expressed as frequency and duration of interactions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 601-609.
- Contasti, A.L., F.M. van Beest, E. Vander Wal, P.D. McLoughlin. 2013. Identifying hidden population sinks from individual fates and movements. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1545-1552.
- Brook, R.K., E. Vander Wal, F.M. van Beest, S.M. McLachlan. 2013. Use of cattle winter feeding areas by elk and white-tailed deer: implications for managing bovine tuberculosis transmission risk from the ground up. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 108: 137-147.
- van Beest, F.M., E. Vander Wal, A.V. Stronen, R.K. Brook. 2013. Factors driving variation in movement rate and seasonality of sympatric ungulates. Journal of Mammalogy 94: 691-701.
- Vander Wal, E., H. Yip, and P.D. McLoughlin. 2012. Sex-based differences in density effects on sociality: an experiment with a gregarious ungulate. Ecology 93: 206-212.
- Vander Wal, E., P.C. Paquet, and J.A. Andrés. 2012. Social interactions, relatedness, and population structure in a gregarious cervid: implications for pathogen transmission. Molecular Ecology 21: 1271-1282. MEDIA
- Vander Wal, E., and A.R. Rodgers. 2012. An individual based quantitative approach for delineating core areas of animal space use: A function of maximum use and minimum area. Ecological Modelling 224: 48-53. (Supplementary R Code)
- McLoughlin, P.D., E. Vander Wal, S.J., Lowe, B.R., Patterson, and D.L. Murray. 2011. Seasonal shifts in habitat selection of a large herbivore and the influence of human activity Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 654-663.
- Vander Wal, E., P.D. McLoughlin, R.K. Brook. 2011. Spatial and temporal factors influencing sightability of elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1521-1526.
- McLoughlin, P.D., D.W. Morris, D., Fortin, E. Vander Wal, A. Contasti. 2010. Considering ecological dynamics in resource selection functions. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:4–12.
- Vander Wal, E., and Rodgers, A.R. 2009. Designating seasonality using rate of movement. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1189-1196
- Vander Wal, E. 2011. Sex, friends, and disease: social ecology of elk (Cervus elaphus) with implications for pathogen transmission. Ph.D. University of Saskatchewan (pdf)
- Vander Wal, E. 2004. Core areas of habitat use: the influence of spatial scale of analysis on interpreting summer habitat selection of moose (Alces alces). M.Sc. (pdf)